Ser Rodrik Cassel
Stark Character, 6 Gold, MIL POW, 4 STR, Loyal
No attachments except Weapon.
While Ser Rodrik Cassel is attacking in a military challenge, each unique Stark character you control gains Insight.
Ser Hobber Redwyne
Tyrell Character, 5 Gold, MIL POW, 4 STR, Non-Loyal
Knight. Redwyne.
Reaction: After you marshal Ser Hobber Redwyn, search your deck for a Lady character. Reveal that card and add it to you hand. Shuffle your deck.
Mare in Heat
Tyrell Attachment, 2 Gold, Non-Loyal
Knight character only.
While attached character is attacking or defending, Mare in Heat gains: “Action: Kneel Mare in Heat to choose a participating character with higher STR than attached character and remove it from the challenge.”
King’s Peace
Baratheon Plot, 4 Gold, 0 Initiative, 1 Claim, 5 Reserve, Loyal
Edict. Scheme.
Reaction: After a military or power power challenge is initiated against you, the attacking player may either: kneel their faction card or move a power from their faction card to yours. If they do not, the challenge ends immediately without winner or loser.
Plot deck limit: 1
Fishing Net
Greyjoy Attachment, 1 Gold, Non-Loyal
Condition. Item. Weapon.
Opponent’s character only.
Attached character cannot be declared as a defender.
Martell Attachment, 1 Gold, Non-Loyal
Opponent’s character only.
Attached character loses an intrigue icon.
Not shown: Ser Gregor Clegane